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  • 8½
  • Apocalypse Now
  • Rear Window
  • The Leopard

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Recent reviews

  • Blade Runner 2049

    Blade Runner 2049


    Blade Runner 2049 firmly lands with both feet imprinted on its 35 year old predecessor. All the nods to the original remain in place, questions of humanity existence and survival all embedded throughout this masterpiece directed by Villeneuve. 

    Deakins paints a masterclass in dystopian futures, from orange hued radioactive wastelands, to multicoloured neon nightscapes. Yet it is the scale of nature’s compositions with its incessant rain and snow storms that creates a visual memory upon the viewer. 

    Hampton Fincher’s script…

  • The Salt of the Earth

    The Salt of the Earth


    Selgado his work and his ethos are stunningly realised in this inciteful sometimes harrowing journey of life captured through his lens. 
    From his early work documenting the social realism of 1970's Brasil, to the nihilism of the Congo the thread that links all of the stories is an eye that provides a unique portal to the conflicts of the planet. 
    However it is Instituto Terra a tropical forest replanted by The Selgados that completes a circle of life. 
    Unmissable. Ⓚ