The greatest enemies to lovers story every told.
*foppishly giggles*
A shaky but fairly solid first dip into feature length that I've been looking forward to. I laughed at himbos and cried about bees which is all I could ask for. There were definitely some parts that dragged and conversations that seemed to keep meandering around the same points but it's a pretty damn poignant look at grief. A true independent film that deserves to be seen!
I had high hopes for this movie ever since the trailer when I saw a shot of an officer leaning over a desk in front of a portrait of Bill Clinton. My first thought was ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SKINNER! but this movie fails to commit to being a procedural, a thriller, a possession movie, etc. It definitely attempts to harken back to the X Files and Twin Peaks of it all but just frankly fails in a lot of places. Nic Cage, usually a welcome sight anywhere for me, just seems really tonally out of place in this Very Seious and meticulously curated world.