

Favorite films

  • The Fall

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  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


  • The Way of the Househusband: The Cinema


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  • The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


Recent reviews

  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

    Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


    this movie is, um. it's something. it's so Something that i'm not even sure where to begin.

    let's start with what i liked, i guess: i liked shuri being the protagonist. she's a great, interesting, well-acted, and compelling character. i liked basically the entire main cast, though i wish some of them had more to do. (more on that later) riri is a great addition to the cast, i really enjoyed any minute of screen time she got, and she…

  • The Way of the Househusband: The Cinema

    The Way of the Househusband: The Cinema


    so fucking funny oh my god. really captures the charm and wackiness of the manga in a way that the anime failed to do. the casting is absolutely perfect and the music is SO silly and holy shit the action sequences. the choreography is absurd and hysterical and a delight to watch every time. the villain is so goofy and he has a goon that exudes pure tboy swag. somehow, this version of tatsu is less of a wife guy…

Popular reviews

  • Knives Out

    Knives Out


    WHAT A FILM!!!! AWOOGA MR. JOHNSON!!!!!! I know I talked a lot of shit about you after TLJ but you popped off with this one, I will admit.

    Masterful in every aspect. The camerawork and shot design were especially skillful, making it a joy to watch. Every performance was wonderful. A well-crafted mystery with every beat artfully set up beforehand, this movie is truly something special. I imagine there being much to find upon rewatches, and I'm excited to find out!

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Fantastic Mr. Fox


    this is a movie that gets better every time i watch it. the best word for it is charming: everything, from the clever script and lovely voice acting, to something as simple as the way the characters move across the screen, is charming. i was hopeless charmed upon my first viewing, and that feeling only grows stronger with each subsequent watch. this is a movie that makes me smile for its whole runtime, a movie that makes me so glad…
