
Kinodvor HQ

Ljubljana's city cinema offering a diverse programme of screenings and events that celebrate film.


Recent reviews

“Moj film je film, vsak film pa je v bistvu laž” – Ema Kugler

Režiserka Ema Kugler v pogovoru o filmu Nekoč v Posočju po projekciji v Kinodvoru:

“This is my eighth feature film, and I can say that, consciously and unconsciously, I continue to make '70s movies.” – Alexander Payne

In conversation with Alexander Payne on the premiere night of The Holdovers at Kinodvor:

"Če bi lahko, bi vedno delal črno-bele filme." – Matevž Luzar

Režiser Matevž Luzar o filmu Orkester v pogovoru na Filmskih srečanjih ob kavi: