

Favorite films

  • Pacific Rim
  • Pacific Rim
  • Pacific Rim
  • Pacific Rim

Recent activity

  • The Green Knight


  • Enter the Void


  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


  • CLOCK - Socialist Burgers Inc.


Recent reviews

  • The Green Knight

    The Green Knight


    This is what every day feels like when you're a guy approaching 30.

  • Enter the Void

    Enter the Void


    Minute one: flashing lights and a loud beat assaults the senses.

    Minute ten: Freaky visuals representing a drug trip won't stop. The effect is surreal, making me forget my physical body and pulling me into Noe's nasty world.

    Minute 45: The first person angle, the music, the somehow still grounded dialogue! My body is gone. Untethered from my flesh I'm now airborne, floating in the middle of the theatre just experiencing this horrifying trip.

    Minute 50: I'm violently forced to…

Popular reviews

  • Megalopolis


    My whole body hurts from watching this. The visuals are vomit-inducing. Ever story thread leads nowhere. Every scene is a complete slog, with paper thin characters quoting Marcus Aurelius to each other.

    Francis Ford Coppola ruined himself financially to make a liberal The Fountainhead, in which the suffering of poor people is ameliorated by them getting to ride shiny conveyor belts. You kind of have to respect the batshit insane artistic vision in a way. Nothing like this is ever going to be made again.

    + Half a star for the scene involving John Voight and hunting equipment

  • The Apple War

    The Apple War


    Din (felaktiga) tolkning av Äppelkriget:
    "Vi måste hindra internationella storföretag från att kontrollera våra politiker och att hänsynslöst förgöra vår vackra och unika natur. Kapitalism måste bekämpas av folket själva."

    Min (intellektuella) tolkning av Äppelkriget: "Skåningar har magiska krafter"
