Owes a huge debt to Rye Lane (and other walk-and-talk movies), so obviously I dug this. Bonus points for making Toronto look decidedly un-magical.
Read my full thoughts for College Movie Review here.
Clearly better than the Coens’ version, but it’s not an uncrossable chasm.
20 years later, it’s still not bad. But something still feels off about the whole enterprise. Part of the problem when you have a batting average as high as the Coens.
Fuck capitalism.
Fuck the oil and gas industry.
Fuck the Army Corps of Engineers.
Fuck Ray Nagin.
Fuck Kathleen Blanco.
Fuck George W. Bush.
Fuck Michael Brown.
Fuck FEMA.
Fuck Michael Chertoff.
Fuck the local police.
Fuck the state police.
Fuck the National Guard.
Fuck the Army.
Fuck the insurance companies.
Fuck the greedy developers.