Another list which awaits more additions..
Top 10 of my favourite films
Because I feel the four shown on my profile are not enough. :DD
Nolan Ranked
Ranking of my favourite filmmaker's finest works (from best to "least" best)
My favourite movie from every year I've been alive
It's starting from the year I was born (2001) up until the year that lasted before the current one
Spider-Man movies ranked
A lot of controversial takes here, but it's just my opinion as a Spider-Man fan. The only ones I actually…
Top 5 of 2022
Pretty self-explanatory
List subject to change
War films
Ranked list of all "war" movies I have seen. It is according to the genre shown on Letterboxd.
It is…
Gaspar Noe ranked
My favorite edgelord in the world of cinema.