this was so good my mom didn’t even fall asleep while she was watching it 😭
also the film is actually just gorgeous like everything looked so good
I LOVE ACTION MOVIES!!! i actually meant to watch this 5 years ago when it was in theaters but the day i went the theater was closed?? so it has finally happened! this movie was so ridiculously denzel coded now that i’m thinking abt it like if this came out in 2000 denzel washington would’ve played andre instead of chadwick boseman. but ofc chadwick boseman was stellar as always even if the premise of the movie was mediocre at best.
ok was i still coming down from being put under for surgery while watching this? yes. did i fall in and out if sleep several times and then wake up confused? yes. did i still love the parts of the movie i was conscious for? YES
this was great. loved it. will watch again when im more cognizant.
literally what is this movie??? i had to read a summary afterwards just to get what was going on. there has to be at least 15 other movies with this same vague plot line. 12 of them were made for the lifetime channel. did not enjoy this movie one bit, and it felt entirely too long.