The concept is really interesting. Not only because its about cloning and its ethical implications, but how the film presents that in its world is interesting too.
So why did they decide to make it a political mess and ruin it?
Only God knows why.
As a tv show, I would rate these first three episodes a 4/5.
As a movie, it's a 3.5/5 since it does not flow like a film in the slightest.
Either way, I am looking forward to the airing of this show. I had so much fun with Machu.
The strongest aspect of this film is how it depicts life.
Its envirnmoment is centered on a busy city, where everything is moving and crime can happen at any place. That reality is something everyone must deal with. Yet, the citizens of this setting are able to live with apathy and be at ease, despite the roaring sounds of police cars and vile acts carried out underneath, or next to, their homes.
Because of what the two main characters represents.…
I can't rate this film.
It is a film that requires years of watching all the X Men films, being attached to them and the larger superhero genre. It requires you to really give a shit about that, because the actual film itself isn't all that special.
Unless you care about all of this extra stuff.
And I don't really care about all of that.
All of the X Men movies went and flew over my head, and it leaves…