
kmmcguire Pro

Favorite films

  • Violent
  • Demonlover
  • First Reformed
  • Twin Peaks: The Return

Recent activity

  • The Electric State


  • Touch


  • Mickey 17


  • Manodrome


Recent reviews

  • The Electric State

    The Electric State


    Devoid of context: aesthetically worthless unimaginative slop.

    In context of a $300+ MILLION budget: actively evil on artistic, economic, and moral grounds.

    Not sure I've ever seen a movie that's so completely convinced me the world would be better from its non-existence. Absolutely nothing redeeming, worthwhile, or even entertaining here.

  • Touch



    Absolutely bizarre film. Halfway between First Reformed and Twin Peaks: The Return without the aesthetic greatness of either. Simultaneously Schrader's most theologically nerdy film and one totally unconcerned with the metaphysical truth of what it portrays. Every character is incredibly fun and perfectly cast on their own, but unfortunately never quite gel into anything with any momentum. I personally loved this, but also understand how it is one of the least mentioned of Schrader's career.

Popular reviews

  • God Is a Bullet

    God Is a Bullet


    Probably the nastiest American thriller since Hostel. It takes a slow start, but once it gets going, it's different from just about anything else. Lynchian suburban horror x100 meets anarcho-Satanism in what is probably the most nihilistic take on America so far this decade. Importantly, it's philosophically and theologically literate unlike most post-Satanic Panic horror (*cough* Longlegs *cough*)

  • Violent



    Incredible. First movie I've ever finished and immediately wanted to rewatch, then after a rewatch the next morning still feel like I want to keep watching it. It's such an incredibly rich story about friendship and belonging that feels transcendently beautiful even as it explores the most painful parts of living in community with others. Despite it's title Violent, is a wonderfully calm movie for 90% of its run time feeling like a warm hug. But the moments when it…
