

i like horror thrillers🤠

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • The Batman
  • Pearl
  • The Iron Giant

Recent activity

  • Vivarium


  • The Langoliers


  • Parasite


  • The Batman


Recent reviews

  • Vivarium



    this was every bit as weird as it was the first time. truly a hell scenario. it ran a bit long for the concept but man, i would have destroyed that kid

  • The Langoliers

    The Langoliers


    i watched this somewhat recently by myself and i have a lot of nostalgia for it, but this time i watched it with someone and found myself laughing at it a lot. even still, it’s wonderfully weird  in all the best ways. placing myself in that position i would be terrified. sidenote i’m convinced watching this movie as a kid with my dad is what made me love liminal spaces

Popular reviews

  • The Langoliers

    The Langoliers


    yknow, objectively, this movie isn’t good. but since this was my introduction to horror as a kid, i’m so attached to it. there’s so much dread embedded into this entire film from the score to the continuous “this place is wrong” lines. why is it wrong? what’s coming? the liminal aspect is great too. even the bad cgi is endearing to me

    any movie that ends on a freeze frame >>>>

  • The Batman

    The Batman


    ABSOLUTE CINEMA. on a rewatch i caught so much symbolism and clever stuff i just didn’t notice at first .. effervescent
