Average Hennessy enjoyer
Favorites are the last four movies I’ve given a five star rating to (rewatches included)
Everyone in this movie is such a smug and unlikable prick. It’s not funny in the slightest either. What a waste of time.
It's taken me quite a while, but I have finally come across what I consider to be a truly bad Scorsese film. Throughout the entire runtime, it never felt like the movie was trying to say or do anything of note at all. We watch these cardboard cutout characters meander through nondescript locations doing absolutely nothing of importance, and when something finally happens that may seem like it's thematically relevant, don't be fooled because the movie is damn near over.…
I seriously have no idea where to start. It’s been multiple hours since I’ve seen this film and it absolutely refuses to leave my mind. The fact that it’s the goddamn BARBIE MOVIE making me feel this way is even more perplexing.
I suppose I should start by saying that, as a general positive, I never once found myself bored. No matter what subject it tried to tackle, (believe me, there were a lot of them), it was entertaining from…
Back when this came out, I was in the seventh grade and I remember going to see this in theaters late at night with a friend. A damn good memory that was for me, and I’m happy to say that (despite my obvious nostalgia bias) this film still holds up well on a rewatch almost six years later.