

Favorite films

  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • Amélie
  • Double Indemnity
  • Pink Floyd: The Wall

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  • Counterattack


  • The Order


  • Nightmare Alley


  • Edge of Tomorrow


Recent reviews

  • Coup de Grâce

    Coup de Grâce


    (sinopsis oficial):
    Una toma de rehenes brutal. Un inexperto ladrón mantiene prisioneros a los clientes. Pero nada es lo que parece, pronto descubriremos que los rehenes no son las víctimas, sino los victimarios. ¿Hasta dónde estarán dispuestos a llegar para sobrevivir?

    Whatch it for free at: cine.ar/

  • Life of Pi

    Life of Pi


    This is about the book from where the story Life of Pi was based. The film 'Life of Pi' was based on a book by Yann Martel which, according to the Guardian, is a plagiarism of the book 'Max e os felinos", by Moacyr Scliar, a Brazilian writer. Martel said, "Why put up with a brilliant premise ruined by a lesser writer?"
    Scliar stated, "In a certain way I feel flattered that another writer considered my idea to be so…
