I'm gay and this movie made me homophobic.
Also this is how Max and Amys first conversation went apparently:
MAX: "Thats my bunk bitch."
AMY: "High protein diets are overated."
MAX: "Debs stick together."
AMY: "We'll always be friends.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
The intersection of what wouldve been like 3 more interesting movies 1) Ginger Rogers escaping Indiana and bluffing her way to Polish countessdom 2) Aunt Mimi skyrocketing to the top of Paris fashion and somehow hiring all the Russian royalty like how 3) A 3rd one idk those couple of days when Huck and Liz are in control of the shop
Craaazy ass movie
- soundtracks by one artist is great but one might think that simon and garfunkel only had like 3 songs that they had to repeat over and over
- i... kinda get the movie? Maybe? Seemed kinda like a horror movie at a lot of points tho? The screaming was top notch too
.... I lied I don't think I fully get it yet
If pokemon was princess mononoke also as a kid I never wanted a baby doll but I longed so much for a sickly celebi to nurse back to health soooooo bad idk what this says about me and I don't want to look into it
Everything I hoped for in the sequel <3. Also Dan 10/10 best guy