

Favorite films

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Se7en
  • Alien

Recent activity

  • Skyscraper


  • Caddo Lake


  • Wind River


  • No Country for Old Men


Recent reviews

  • The Flash

    The Flash


    This was a mixed bag to go through… the first hour and a half was a drag. The two Ezra’s was getting on my nerves, and the CGI looked cheap and outdated. The last hour though actually had some really cool moments! I liked the multiverse lines (especial one cameo got me smiling!), Michael Keton was awesome and some parts were nearly moving.
    But at the end of the day, when you make a movie with a runtime on around two and a half hour, it is a bit of a failure when only the last hour is worth your while.

  • Godzilla: King of the Monsters

    Godzilla: King of the Monsters


    It is quite an achievment to make a movie like this. With giant monsters and all. And still it manages to be somehow dull.
    It had monster-action enough to keep me from falling asleep, but not enough story to keep me invested.
    The acting is below average and the story is a mess. It went from “we have discovered a huge monster” to we have a ton of different monsters all over the place in no time, which burned my brains a bit. But what probably hurts the most, is the way they threw what could have been a rad franchise, right out the window…

Popular reviews

  • Donald and Pluto

    Donald and Pluto


    Pluto as the O.G. Magneto.

  • Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood

    Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood


    This is a movie about the movies, made by a man that loves movies! And it shows!
    No doubt about it, this is not a movie for everybody. It is the most slow burning movie from Tarantino so far and people expecting some violent action film will be disappointed.
    But it is spell binding and the actors shows why they are amongst the top profiles in Hollywood and it also proves that Q.T can make suspense scenes like nobody else.
    It may be a liiiiitle too long though.
