

O - 3 = meh
3,5 = wow, nice
4 = daaamn
4,5 - 5 = woooooow damn

Favorite films

  • Love & Pop
  • Tangerine
  • Spring Breakers
  • Satantango

Recent activity

  • Platoon


  • Light Sleeper


  • Thirteen


  • Interview with the Vampire


Recent reviews

  • Platoon



    Okay, okay, straight up!.. This movie is better than the "dialogues - dialogues [but no podcast, half an ounce of dialectics and let's go figure out how to rob you] " of his.

  • Interview with the Vampire

    Interview with the Vampire


    This is up there amongst the very best vampiric pieces of art (second only to Mark Fisher’s (MF) „exiting the vampire castle“ - to those who are unfamiliar with MF, I recommend reading K-Punk, (a book about politics etc.)) It's BLOODy good...

Popular reviews

  • Ford v Ferrari

    Ford v Ferrari


    hodne zajimavy film...
    top 3:

    1) libilo se mi, ze dokazali cely zavod lemans (24hod) sestrihat do hodinove sceny. i clovek bez ŘP si pak říká: "Je to hodne dlouhy zavod."

    2) dokazu si predstavit, ze film musel byt hodne inspirativni pro alenu kucerovou(*1935)... jen pro kontext: Jednou mi rikala, ze bere z rychle jizdy autem hodne inspirace.

    3) gyorgy luckacs kdysi prohlasil, ze politicky protest muze nejlepe vyznit skrze umelecke dilo. To, co si walter benjamin neuvedomil, je, ze…

  • Holy Motors

    Holy Motors

    nedokoukal jsem to protoze jsem to nechapal (skoro) vubec. Prosim vas: 🗣️ neberte to tak, ze ten holy motor ihned oznacuju za mrdku nebo tak neco..
    Nebyl to ale uplne ztraceny cas: privedlo me to na myslenku snizit hodnoceni pro tamten film od jodorowskyho (muzete si prohlednout muj prof. pokud chcete vedet jaky myslim).. necham si 24hodin na rozmysleni
