

Favorite films

  • Amélie
  • Dead Poets Society
  • Girl, Interrupted
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox

Recent activity

  • Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy


  • In a Lonely Place


  • Almost Famous


  • Dazed and Confused


Recent reviews

  • Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy

    Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy


    sometimes simplicity is the best and the most beautiful thing!

    I just realised that, sitting in the cinema, with my family and friends, I found myself being truly happy.
    sometimes life has to be treated more lightly, like you don't have to constantly be serious and watch French New wave cinema and so on. (it's awesome but sometimes you just need to watch smth like this film, something simple yet emotional)

    more about the film itself.
    I liked it pretty…

  • In a Lonely Place

    In a Lonely Place


    How I love Old Hollywood, it's just so different from today's cinema, more sophisticated I'd say, way more substantial, if you ask me.

    I enjoyed watching this film maybe a bit too much. Thought it made me wonder about relationships between people, and how it may be really scary and even tragic sometimes. You may love and live with a person, who only pretends to be the one you know (idk if it makes sense, I hope it does). And…

Popular reviews

  • Joker: Folie à Deux

    Joker: Folie à Deux


    доволі непоганий фільм. не надто потужний, але і не бляклий.
    з плюсів: хороша зйомка, хороша колористика, гарні цікаві образи, чудовий підбір музики, хороший каст, бездоганна гра Хоакіна Фенікса, заради її однієї можна і весь фільм подивитися.
    з мінусів: нестача динаміки в сюжеті,
    занадто велике значення приділено сигаретам, їх романтизація: буквально диму в камері було більше, ніж слів.

    тобто загалом, фільм гідний уваги, можливо, не такий яскравий, як перший. але все ж, доволі непоганий і з точки зору художнього підходу (палітра кольорів, і сама зйомка), мені здається, вельми привабливий.

  • Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

    Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring


    To be completely honest, this film means a lot to me, rooted back to my own childhood.
    It taught me lot's of things, it taught me how to be human-like, not an animal, who follows the lustfull desires of flesh. It is seen in film that life itself is cyclical, but we must not forget our old mistakes and try to guide our young ones, to be better, always moving, always searching.
    That's about it... So, hightly recomend it
