Favorite films

  • Cure
  • Evil Dead II
  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1
  • Blade Runner 2049

Recent activity

  • The Return of the Living Dead


  • Jurassic Park


  • The Dark Crystal


  • The Lighthouse


Recent reviews

  • The Return of the Living Dead

    The Return of the Living Dead


    punk rock, 80s fashion & carnage. it's party time.

    adds to the self-referencing movie mythos of zombies in actually cool & circumstance-heightening ways, literally invented zombies saying "braiiins", and features one of the coolest individual monster designs i've ever seen.

    one of the zombies uses the radio of a cop car and fully pronounces the words "send more cops...".

    the ideal zombie movie.

  • Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park


    i'm incapable of viewing this movie through any sort of objective lens because it kickstarted my hardcore dinosaur phase when i was like 5.

    it's pretty good i guess.

Popular reviews

  • The Lighthouse

    The Lighthouse


    absolutely hypnotic nightmare of a film. feels like a folk tale or an old sailor's story given life. most justified use of stylistic black/white. both willem dafoe & robert pattinson's best performance to date.

    this is a movie about you and the homie.

  • Army of Darkness

    Army of Darkness



    the 3rd evil dead movie could have easily just settled for more of the same. they would have gotten away with it and i would've been more than happy to get it. sam raimi, beautiful bastard that he is, decided that wasn't enough.

    army of darkness enriches the already chewy & delicious worldbuilding of the evil dead's silly little universe by going even further in on the absurdity & silliness of the circumstances ash finds himself in…
