

speaking my mind 💀

Favorite films

  • Jackie Brown

Recent activity

  • Saw X


  • The Package


  • Sinister


  • Don't Look Up


Recent reviews

  • Saw X

    Saw X


    I had low expectations going into it because of some of the previous films in the franchise, but this was honestly a W

    I was invested in the film so much that i was considering asking the staff to pause ts when i needed my little bathroom break

    However, we all know that not every movie can be complete sunshine and rainbows. My homie Jaidyn accompanied me at the theatre, and i’m sure we were the most annoying mfs in that room. A lot of the moments in the film were very silly.

  • The Package

    The Package


    I had the pleasure of heading to my kitchen to grab a water bottle, when starting this film, and coming back to a woman being pounded in multiple positions!

    A friend of mine, Joaquin, kept me company and watched this movie with me on facetime. Both of us “enjoyed” multiple close up montages of the Netflix-production studio prosthetic penis allllll over the screen.

    This movie follows a young majestical long haired fellow who snips his cock off with scissors, and…

Popular reviews

  • Sinister



    I have this friend named Trudy, who decided another friend, Joaquin, and I should all watch this together on facetime!

    But, little did we know that Trudy was casually going to pick out the worst possible horror movie (or just the worst movie in general), and really thought we wouldn’t notice 💀

    The MOST confusing garbage ever, and it’s not the type of movie that you’d be confused about AND entertained (eg. memento, tenet), it was NOT entertaining.

    I was…

  • Don't Look Up

    Don't Look Up


    Other than the special effects and lsexy Leonardo DiCaprio, this film was stupid as fuck.

    In my opinion was way too predictable 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ The first thirty minutes seemed promising, but it just sucks more and more absolute fucking ass, as time goes on.

    Why is this labeled as a comedy??? This was probably one of the corniest and unfunny movies i’ve ever sat through. I did not laugh once. Not even a chuckle uttered from my lungs or vocal cords 💀 Maybe the whales fucking?
