

Favorite films

  • Cinema Paradiso
  • The Spirit of the Beehive
  • Wings of Desire
  • Solaris

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  • Modern Times

  • Drive My Car

  • City Lights

  • Nickel Boys

Recent reviews

  • Modern Times

    Modern Times

    This was hilarious and so much fun to watch—until I realized not much has changed since the 1930s and modern times.

    Cops still suck. The state doesn’t have the people’s interests in mind. There are few meaningful job prospects. The plentiful job opportunities come with high attrition rates, are mind numbing and stressful, pay low wages and will wreak your nervous system to a state of disrepair. And somehow—the system will have you believe it is all your fault.

    But if you’re lucky—and you have at least one good solid friend—you can dream together. And that makes a world of a difference.

  • Drive My Car

    Drive My Car

    Kōshi Takatsuki: But even if you think you know someone well, even if you love that person deeply, you can't completely look into that person's heart. You'll just feel hurt.
    But if you put in enough effort, you should be able to look into your own heart pretty well. So in the end, what we should be doing is to be true to our hearts and come to terms with it in a capable way. If you really want to…

Popular reviews

  • Anora


    I can see Sean Baker pitching this film like— “Picture this: What if Pretty Woman had gone sideways?

    But here’s the recipe:
    Anora basically wove elements of Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown (my all time favorite dark comedy) with an inverse Coming to America—and then added tits, lap dances, Russian stereotypes and hired goons ad libitum. Its secret ingredient? It took Almodovarian melodrama and adapted it to a US-ian audience.

    I can’t decide yet whether I liked this film…

  • Blonde


    Andrew Dominik really took the beautiful and talented Ana de Armas and abused her like a Barbie doll the way an emotionally disturbed 5 year old would: tearing off her clothes, smashing her against the wall, repeatedly mashing her face and bum into random Kens's faces and crotches, and scribbling all over her in red sharpie marker before popping her head off.