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  • Mickey 17


  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


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Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    serving anti trump pro demon baby realness
    NASHA THE WOMAN U ARE loved seeing crazy bitch representation on the screen everything she did was right and justified & i think that's beautiful

    on the less bright side of things.. i was expecting more tension 
    i think this was a beautiful fresh idea and could've been executed much better by the genius mind bong joon-ho has proven himself to be with parasite

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


    mnogo slatko i stvarno revolutionary asf ALI

    bas me zanima kako ce u 21. veku za live action verziju da smeste klinku od 14 godina u gajbu s sedmoricom odraslih patuljaka da im bude sluskinja sad kad je za razliku od 1937. to lagano nesto sto bih ih poslalo na robiju

    ++ ceo film se ne bi desio da snezana ima jednu funkcionalnu mozdanu celiju kolko je glupa ko kurac jel moguce

    (probudila sam sebi potpuno nepotrebno secanje da sam se jako plasila onog drveca kad sam bila mala i potpuno je legitiman strah isk who approved this for small children)

Popular reviews

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    shallow distasteful asmr body horror
    neprijatan i to ne cak ni na revolucionaran nacin

  • A European Christmas

    A European Christmas


    najgori film ikada snimljen
    pola zvezdice za momente kad nam se zvuk prekidao i ada je radila voiceover