

no half-star ratings we die like men

Favorite films

  • The Fly
  • Amadeus
  • Ratatouille
  • No Country for Old Men

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  • Big


  • No Country for Old Men


  • Shrek

  • Home Alone

Recent reviews

  • Big



    This one was courtesy of mom.

    Actually really cute if you don’t think about the sex part. (Kinda hoped they’d avoid that. But like, it’s honestly not as weird as all that. It’s just not that kind of movie. I think Susan should’ve been a lot more concerned there though. Maybe she was in shock.)

    Inspired me to listen to my inner child more. I’ll start doing that. 

    Young Tom Hanks was cute as a button. He’d have been great in a gay indie tragedy where one of them dies at the end. 

    I need to watch more of these lighthearted 80s movies, I miss them.

  • No Country for Old Men

    No Country for Old Men


    they kind of served with this one not gonna lie

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