Dani Cornes

Dani Cornes

I'm 26* and I make movies and music.

*Not anymore.

Favorite films

  • La Chimera
  • First Cow
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire
  • Taste of Cherry

Recent activity

  • Salve Maria


  • Pepe


  • Collective Monologue


  • Multiple Maniacs


Recent reviews

  • Salve Maria

    Salve Maria


    Cústame describir o que é, pero durante as escenas máis cotiás atopaba no meu ventre ganas de vomitar. Aquelas na que a cicatriz da cesárea sangra, ou nas que se esboza a posibilidade dun accidente son, quizáis, das máis suaves.

    Pero cando Maria está facendo café, cando escribe sentada no váter co bebé no cuarto adxacente... Esas revolvianme algo que non sei describir. Removiame no meu asento incomodamente, e son as 2 da mañá e aquí sigo, na cama, xirando.…

  • Pepe



    It gets a little lost in the middle, so that is where the star missing went, I guess. But this opens up a lot of new ways of thinking about anthropomorphism that previous cinema doesn't really touch on. Irreverent, deliciously sardonic, surprisingly poetic, and witty.

Popular reviews

  • The Beasts

    The Beasts


    Tengo una discrepancia ideológica tremenda con Sorogoyen. A los hombres de Madrid había que prohibirles hacer cine sobre el rural gallego.

  • Fierrot le pou

    Fierrot le pou


    Kassovitz's Fierrot le pou is a somewhat strange little short film. Depending on how you read into this, it could mean something else to you.

    To me though, the commentary is as follows: basketball was (and still is, in some countries, for that matter) referred to as a sport only black people are good at. That thought is carried out through Kassovitz's character, who imagines himself to be black in order to be good at basketball.

    I do believe, however,…