Maria Nogué Guardiola

Maria Nogué Guardiola

Favorite films

  • Big Fish
  • Sing Street
  • The Thing
  • Young Frankenstein

Recent activity

  • The Watchers


  • The Gorge


  • 27 Dresses


  • Pleasantville


Recent reviews

  • The Gorge

    The Gorge


    I admit that I chuckled a bit when the movie tried to sneak in (and failed miserably) both a Whiplash and a The Queen's Gambit reference since both actors starred in those projects too.

    Anyways, Drasa the pseudo-manic pixie girl that you are! 👏🏻😫

    I don't know if it's because the movie was released on Valentine's Day, but the first half of the movie was a hell a lot more entertaining than the second with just the main characters flirting with each other via placards while they are kilometers apart. Very Taylor Swift's You Belong With Me mv of them.

  • Time to Kill

    Time to Kill

    Literalment una de les pitjor pelis de terror que he vist mai.
    No sé com cullons la vaig trobar sincerament, va aparèixer com una senyal vinguda del cel. Ara bé, no vaig parar de pixar-me de riure de lo dolenta que era.

    L'única estrella que li he posat és només un punt extra perquè és de producció catalana i a casa meva es dóna suport al producte autòcton i de km 0 👏🏻

Popular reviews

  • Bram Stoker's Dracula

    Bram Stoker's Dracula


    I didn't expect the amount of freaky scenes that there are in this movie. Like, every character is really horny at some point of the story.

    I'm not complaining, but watching this on the living room tv, blissfully ignorant, at full volume while my parents are at home is an incredibly terrifying experience.

    Anyways, the pacing of the plot didn't exactly do it for me and some visual effects looked incredibly outdated or clashed aesthetically with the scene (I'm looking at you "overlapping flashbacks on top of other scenes").

    But hey, you know what, the atmosphere? The costumes? The vibes? ImmaculATE.