

ther is no system in how i rate

Favorite films

  • Ratatouille
  • Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb

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  • Red Ant Dream


  • Kissinger


  • Companion


  • Saturday Night


Recent reviews

  • Red Ant Dream

    Red Ant Dream


    IR319 week 7

  • Kissinger



    rest in piss

Popular reviews

  • Sound of Freedom

    Sound of Freedom


    I FORGOT I WATCHED THIS i got a free ticket from their lame pay-it-forward thing (nobody is paying for that shit) so i thought fuck it i’ll watch the qanon movie
    first off just a bad movie even ignoring the other stuff. just straight up not good

    so jim caviezel - straight up qanon wacko, freak
    And tim ballard - former ceo of operation underground railroad (notoriously bad and dishonest) + is under sexual misconduct investigations which goes against his…

  • The Iron Claw

    The Iron Claw


    very sad they cut out the youngest brother because the real story was too depressing… and imagine being such a terrible dad that you essentially curse your family
    zac efron served in this despite, or maybe due to the fact that he looks like a really buff action figure. also jeremy allen white looks like a forlorn sheep he intrigues me. speaking of actors the children who played the sons at the end were terrible, yes i shed a tear anyway