

Favorite films

  • Mind Game
  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • Trainspotting
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Recent activity

  • It's Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books

  • Elephant


  • The Sasquatch Gang


  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World


Recent reviews

  • It's Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books

    It's Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books

    really enjoyed the first 20 min of nothing but sound and random day-to-day felt calming, maybe??. this whole film felt like a bunch of different liminal spaces. like I had been there before. oddly comforting.
    I am going to make something like this one day.

  • Elephant



    I liked this movie, and I don't understand all of the hate. I think it did such a great job of capturing people's lives and showing how everyone is living their own lives with their own problems. The camera work was amazing!! and just how everything overlapped and how everything is connected was really satisfying to watch. It is scary how it's just a normal day in these teenagers lives, and such bad things happen when you least expect it... America bro americaa🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀

Popular reviews

  • Paprika



    amazing. very very very lit. I recommend doing research after the movie so you can understand it better, during the movie it could be hard to tell what is going on because of how fast pace everything is going and how fast scenes and locations switch. Very cool movie

  • Megan Is Missing

    Megan Is Missing


    wtf.This film is really great and fr fucked me up. It's so visual it's insane. i fr couldn't sleep after watching this. scarry a scarry movie.
