

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • Cure
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Alien

Recent activity

  • War of the Worlds


  • Bram Stoker's Dracula


  • The Substance


  • Challengers


Recent reviews

  • War of the Worlds

    War of the Worlds


    Awesome movie. Spielberg elevates the hell out of a journeyman blockbuster script in his conjuring of imagery reminiscent of wartime Europe or America's own occupations in the Middle East, transplanted on to a homeland soil still reeling from 9/11. A brief shot of clothing falling from a pitch black sky through the limbs of dead trees is so haunting, and there are more than a few other cutaway shots that are as affecting.
    There's a decent stretch in the middle…

  • Bram Stoker's Dracula

    Bram Stoker's Dracula


    Visually stunning. I was quite taken by the Dracula and Mina romance by the end (fantastic final scene honestly) but most everything and everyone else came off quite uneven for me despite all the ambition, apart from Hopkins. When it peaks though, it peaks.

Popular reviews

  • Talk to Me

    Talk to Me


    Approaches the fun scares of your typical teen seance/possession fare with more thoughtful craftwork and a richer examination of adolescent alienation, drawing upon extreme imagery and ideas relating to teenage experiences of loneliness, addiction, grief, antipathy, self-harm, and the domineering presence of social media - Talk To Me pushes and twists it all into a wild vortex of sick, sad mayhem.

    Tense, funny, shocking, and never once overplaying its hand (lol) when balancing tone, this is the kind of stuff that I want from Australian horror cinema!

  • Starship Troopers

    Starship Troopers


    I noticed that the Nova was doing a one-off screening of this for its 25th anniversary and decided to make a date of it. Still one of the cheekiest films to ever crawl its way out of the Hollywood studio machine, all of the blatant lampooning of its fascistic source material is just tons of fun and it's also filled with heaps of goofy drama, sick gore and huge bugs. "Mormon extremists" ranks as one of the funniest throwaway bits…
