Yeah, that hurt.
When Sam talks about wishing someone had treated her with love and care, I get the worst pain in my chest and uhh, yeah, that’s womanhood I guess!
‘I’m not a bulimic. I’m a bulim-ist.’
Yeah, that hurt.
When Sam talks about wishing someone had treated her with love and care, I get the worst pain in my chest and uhh, yeah, that’s womanhood I guess!
‘I’m not a bulimic. I’m a bulim-ist.’
Look, many people much smarter than me have written great reviews. What I’ll say is this; if you’ve watched this movie, clearly you invested a good chunk of time. Spend a little more reading the actor and director interviews if you’re seeing this as anything less than one of the greatest movies of our era. By the intermission I was already of this opinion, but after finishing it and finding those articles, I understood the choices they made so much…
This movie encapsulates the feeling I had as a child, when I found it so easy to explain away my parent’s responsibilities as contempt for me. Seeing it as a young adult brings about many more complex and melancholic feelings, but also a sense of appreciation and longing for simpler times.