“We are such stuff
as dreams are made on,
And our little life
Is rounded with a sleep”
delighted I downloaded this movie to watch during what was the worst plane ride. Loved it!!
“We are such stuff
as dreams are made on,
And our little life
Is rounded with a sleep”
delighted I downloaded this movie to watch during what was the worst plane ride. Loved it!!
“Do you really think this world will make it?
“ It has to.”
If find "Marriage Story" a genuine tale of love and an emotional storytelling masterpiece. A very realistic psychological portrait of two individuals and a stunning portrait of heartbreak. Their lack of care for their emotional connection brings them closer to you as the audience. It's personal, there's a true distinction in that.
"The Good Girl" is really about the contrast between what we would like our lives to be and what they really are. The movie also illustrates how life can sometimes take completely unexpected turns,Amid all the pain and sadness there are a surprising numbers of genuine laughs in the movie as we see our own lives reflected in the people and incidents there on the screen. Amazing performance from both Jennifer Anniston and Jake Gyllengaal through the entire movie. As…