Was Watching it with My father in law in his living room and I just walked out. Mostly because its my bed time and I want to go home but it was a tough watch.
He said he liked it...I might never talk to him again.
Was Watching it with My father in law in his living room and I just walked out. Mostly because its my bed time and I want to go home but it was a tough watch.
He said he liked it...I might never talk to him again.
Since I'm not a depressed white woman in her 40's in an unhappy marriage, having a mid life crisis I completely recognize that I'm not the target audience, but what the hell was that??? 😂
I wanted to see the Italy scenes because we went to that famous Pizzeria in Napoli but man what a mistake.
Divorce. Travel. Sleep around.
Also I hate Julia Roberts
Game of thrones: il vaticano
Great music and performances from the entire cast. Some good moments that kept you guessing. I love movies where you can just tell its adapted from a novel.
Catholicism creeps me out but i can't look away. Respectfully of course.
Fun fact: The scenes in the big hall with giant stairs where the Cardinals would get picked up were filmed in the Royal palace of Caserta near Naples. (230km/150 Miles from the Vatican) Same place…