19, pan, NCSU :)
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bird sonic cop sonic town sonic baseball sonic electric sonic ROBOTNIK SONIC!!! feet sonic sad sonic rings sonic sleepy sonic california sonic scared sonic man sonic hiding sonic drone sonic atlantic ocean sonic phone sonic bikes sonic bar sonic hostages sonic bull sonic hipster sonic bottle sonic fight sonic chase scene sonic breaking and entering sonic san francisco sonic slow motion sonic hilarious sonice falling sonic paris sonic egypt sonic rings sonic fight scene sonic township sonic DIED SONIC NO !!!!!!!!!!!! living sonic yes SHOCKING SONIC !!! winning sonic portal sonic ending sonic
I see a lot of hate on this movie. Here's my perspective as a casual viewer:
This movie is kinda predictable but I don't think that's entirely a bad thing. I think it's clear from the storyteller's perspective that solving the conflict isn't the focus, it's how they do so. I personally really enjoyed thinking about what they're going to draw next, and, whether I was right or not, the actors really sell it. Harold has this air of genuineness…
this special sounds like how it feels like to go bald. no hate tho joe ur chill and still on my blunt rotation