Landon Stuart

Landon Stuart Pro

Favorite films

  • Do the Right Thing
  • Phantom Thread
  • Another Round
  • La Haine

Recent activity

  • Kneecap


  • Pusher


  • The Holdovers


  • Apocalypto


Recent reviews

  • Kneecap



    “Every word of Irish spoken is a bullet for Irish freedom.”

    As a person of Irish descent who minored in linguistics in college, it certainly feels like this film was made for me. I loved Kneecap and all its punk details.

    The control of language and culture is such a huge part of colonization. The colonizer forces the colonized to adopt its language, its traditions, and soon enough, within a few generations, the colonized have lost much of their own way…

  • Pusher



    has all the components that should make me fall in love with it, but it’s missing whatever magic it is that actually locks that in.

    at the end of the day it’s a pretty generic gritty tale with generic characters deliciously shot on film and it’s serviceable for an afternoon coffee and cigarette vibe but you’ll probably forget about it before the next day is over unfortunately. (and a certain favorite gets written off way too soon.)

Popular reviews

  • Holes


    It was nice to see this again after some years.

    The part where Hector and Stanley climb God’s Thumb gives me such happy nostalgia.

    With all the flashbacks you kind of get 2 movies for the price of 1.

    I just want to know when they’re making the Keith Barrenger (from Zigzag’s math class) spin-off movie.

  • Ride the Eagle

    Ride the Eagle


    Unfortunately, half the shots in this have the same aesthetic as a Cialis commercial.

    The writing didn’t feel very authentic to me.

    For being less than 90 minutes, this sure felt like a slog.

    Still love Jake Johnson though. Keep doing indie movies man.