Lucky Dembski

Lucky Dembski

Favorite films

  • Léon: The Professional
  • Brokeback Mountain
  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • Blade Runner

Recent activity

  • Midnight Cowboy


  • Ace in the Hole


  • Gilda


  • Go Fish


Recent reviews

  • Midnight Cowboy

    Midnight Cowboy


    Pretty beautiful, strange bummer of a movie. A quick descent into poverty & illness as Joe is too good natured and gullible to see he’s being taken advantage of, over and over again. Even though he is foolish & greedy, it’s hard not to root for Joe, because he is just so charming & sweet. 
    I loved the memory sequences here, and how Joe’s history is shown but not overexplained. And the fractured, visual collage sequences are so impactful and give a real…

  • Ace in the Hole

    Ace in the Hole


    Pretty compelling fall from grace / tragic narrative, somewhat based on a true story?
    Throughout the film I kept going back & forth on if I was supposed to be rooting for the main reporter. He was the protagonist, and indeed very cunning. But ultimately it is made very clear that his actions caused much harm to Leo, the town’s civilians, and the land & native community. Very powerful ending

Popular reviews

  • Barbie


    This movie was free on the airplane, and I wanted to justify my opinions by actually watching it. Accidentally just created an airborne Barbie jail for myself. Would not recommend

  • Nosferatu



    Pretty straightforward & pretty tense movie. A few of the jump scare moments got me, but mostly this was a slow burn, with very measured pacing. 
    I loved the signature shot of this movie - the panning reverse shot. There must have been two dozen times where the camera panned 180 degrees here to give a weird POV. I thought it was cool! 
    I also loved the commitment to light & shadow. Even in shots without Nosferatu, there was still very often…
