totally unpredictable, great execution
expected more from the music
half watched this one coz middle of the movie j found out i won a competition lol
story was well picked and put together and timothy’s performance really nailed - i was surprised by how good he covered the music as well
The way Wong Kar-wai tells stories is truly inspiring. There's something very unique in how he frames the story and how he uses mainly visuals to represent emotions and show what's going on in the character's heads an their relationships. The production design is something that he truly nails and the naturalness in which the actors move in the scenarios make the stories incredibly relatable.
After reading all the implications of this film, I got to understand its significant in cinema even more. Despite being relatively long for today's standards, the movie is able to show very interestingly 4 different ways of love, and how our daily lives are also part of a show somehow. Incredible performances, which make the more theatrical/panthomimical part shine.