

Favorite films

  • The Matrix
  • Bound

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  • Saltburn


  • The Wolf of Wall Street


  • Spice World


  • There Will Be Blood


Recent reviews

  • Saltburn



    Please, stop posting these undergrad political philosophy blog posts posing as reviews. I’m sorry but all these Confirmed Letterboxd User one to three star “critiques” of this movie are so far up their own arse that I wonder if being on this website for too long makes you incapable of experiencing cinematic joy.

    It’s really funny, really beautiful, every single last actor is amazing and I really just do not care if it has or doesn’t have the “right” moral…

  • The Wolf of Wall Street

    The Wolf of Wall Street


    Funny movie about money and drugs. Didn’t even mind it was 3hrs long thanks king!

Popular reviews

  • To Live and Die in L.A.

    To Live and Die in L.A.


    so uncanny like i couldn’t work out if i’d seen this film as a child somehow or if it’s archetypes were so powerful and monumental that it just felt like that?

    another perfect film. 

    i’m gonna say it passes the bechdel test on like a technicality because despite them not exchanging a single word the girlies are the only truly cunning and redeemed characters in this amongst a sea of horny albeit melodramatic blonks.

  • The Master

    The Master


    seeing this after watching phoenix's joker is kind of wild - both films depict victims of trauma and abuse, embodied in both by a kinetic, creaking, skeletal performance from joaquin. but whereas the joker coasts out on a 'crazy is as crazy does' excuse for both social and personal crisis and sees entropy back to an ambiguous, nihilistic moral universe as the only possible endgame, the master is a deeply compassionate film about a deeply traumatised man's journey to personal…
