This was so beautiful, sweet, and sad
I knew that all animals had an innate ability for marine navigation
Deeeeeply unsettling in a very cinematic way… so I guess I liked it?
- note to self: when designing giant garbage lava pits, make them harder to fall into
- A+ critters in this one, truly stellar design and execution
- everyone really acting their hearts out and doing a great job
- one of the only satyrical political/social commentary movies that I’ve seen that will likely hold up well. A few scenes at the end did give me some “Dont Look Up”-esque icks, which is my only complaint
- if you liked the social/political/economic commentary on what humanity in space would look like you should really check out The Expanse!!
You’re in grade 6. Your science teacher plays this movie during class. You understood every third reference and feel very grown up. Your best friend proclaims it is the best movie they have ever seen. 6 classmates announce they now plan to become planetary scientists when they grow up.