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Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
this feels my anxiety personified so i cant watch this or i will start spiraling!!! and i already experience my anxiety i dont need joaquin phoenix essentially shoving a mirror in my face
for a movie with a competent team, they didn't know how to handle such intertwining plots in a way that actually made sense to the watcher, unlike its predecessors, those movies were able to link alongside themselves seamlessly while this movie its like shoving the wrong key into a lock amd trying to force it to work
i wanna throw up about this movie, its heartbreaking and is horror and is such a reality for so many trans people. it shows a side of being trans that people tend to forget or not know is there, that some of us rot in a hell that could be left but stay because we assume its safer and that its just easier to torture ourselves till we die instead of stepping out of the box
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
having rewatched this movie, it knows what it wants and was able to do that beautifully. while not the best movie, the metaphor of the monster/STD was very solidly constructed and played on our own fears by using tension an panic just from having the monster walk towards the camera. the ending works perfectly because there is no clean cut answer to STDs in the first place, these are things that haunt you for all your life and you're essentially trying to outrun what's currently an inevitable fate.