

and yet they kept looking, and did not break off, as if the act of looking was more important than what they could see. 

Favorite films

  • Lady Bird
  • When Harry Met Sally...
  • Monster
  • Challengers

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  • Inglourious Basterds


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Recent reviews

  • Inglourious Basterds

    Inglourious Basterds


    That was scary and traumatizing because scalping is a problem but I laughed a lot.

  • Laura



    Something about this was just so awesome to me. Laura rocks. 40s cinematography is perfect.

Popular reviews

  • Tokyo Story

    Tokyo Story


    I ❤️ homes through Ozu’s eyes. 

    Every time I’m asked my favorite class I’ve taken at BYU, my answer is always Japanese Lit and Film, and watching this reminded me why. Japanese familial dramas are some of the best. They’re careful and reserved with their dialogue, but oh so full of meaning with their silence and pillow-shot-pauses. 

    I bought my cap and gown today, and as graduation looms a mere two months away, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the…

  • Perfect Days

    Perfect Days


    Next time is next time. Now is now. 

    Uhhhhhhh, I’m a bit overwhelmed! This was very, very good to be watching at 2pm on a Friday in October. Haven’t been this touched by a film, or this willing to overshare on Letterboxd in a while :)

    I’ve had some really wonderful things happening in my life lately. I’ve also had some really tough, undeal things happening in my life lately. Navigating how to feel about it all going on at…