
Leala Pro

scorpio grl ☆
ig: leala.jpg

Favorite films

  • The Piano Teacher
  • Drive My Car
  • Birth
  • Suzhou River

Recent activity

  • Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy


  • Heaven Is Still Far Away


  • Asako I & II


  • Dog Day Afternoon


Pinned reviews

  • Fallen Leaves

    Fallen Leaves


    Saw this last week, thought it was pretty charming, didn't dwell too much on it at first. Over the next few days, it felt like the more I sat with the film, the more it stuck with me. After that I really wanted to rewatch it before it left cinemas.

    I'm so endeared by everything about this film. Kaurismaki depicts drudgery and solitude in such an understated yet affecting way. 'Humanistic' is the word I most often hear in other…

  • Anatomy of a Fall

    Anatomy of a Fall


    'My job is to cover the tracks, so that fiction destroys reality.'

    I have some half-baked thoughts on Anatomy, and what it has to say about the relationship/s between law, violence and literature:

    I don't know much about the law and literature movement (my university never offers any remotely interesting units apparently <3) but from what little I know of it, Anatomy of a Fall is screaming for L&L treatment. One, courtrooms are sites of violence as much as (if…

Recent reviews

  • Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy

    Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy


    The first two stories were good, didn't really resonate enough with me to leave a deeper impression on me though maybe I'd find more to enjoy in them on rewatch. But that third story!! Kinda the perfect short film. Really special. I love you mr hamaguchi :-))

  • Asako I & II

    Asako I & II


    Asako I & II to Suzhou River: I have that shirt too kinda

    holyfuckjdfkjksf i didn't read up on this one beforehand and i thought it was going to be a cutesy feel good romance. WRONGG bitch I've never been so devastated by a movie before!!! i'm actually winded what the fuck what the fuckkkkk. the last half hour!!!!!!!!!!!!! ryusuke hamaguchi i love you and i fucking hate you!!!!!!!

Popular reviews

  • Dog Day Afternoon

    Dog Day Afternoon


    This movie was just "come outside nobody's gonna jump you" 300 times over. When Al Pacino said "I like getting kissed when I'm being fucked" like ok lol let's test that hypothesis then 🫦🫦🫦🫦

  • And So We Put Goldfish in the Pool.

    And So We Put Goldfish in the Pool.

    Laughing 'til our ribs get tough