Favorite films
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Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
This movie accomplished something, I'm just not sure what. I don't think Coppola knows either. I've heard a lot of criticism on this one, and it's mostly all valid, but there were unique filmmaking qualities that were accomplished here.
Every scene felt like it belonged in a different movie, as if the director only remembered the previous scene's general outline, and hazily at that. Most likely the product of a script written in 1983. People have a hard enough time…
Ballad of Bongbirds and bakes
Interested in a movie with marvelous visuals, a unique take on the cyberpunk aesthetic, and has cool robots? Well, if you don't mind the corniest, edgiest, and sometimes just downright stupidest dialogue you've ever heard, The Creator is a great way to get your sci-fi fix for the year!
Don't get me wrong, Gareth Edwards is a talented filmmaker and director - but he writes like a middle schooler who just learned about Operation Desert Storm. My guy, we get…
Gotta be one of the most painful movies to watch. The total discomfort of the worst jokes I've ever heard juxtaposed to high brow philosophical nonsense rants, all delivered at a train wreck speed of three jokes a minute.
Some jokes haven't aged well. Some jokes made me laugh harder than I have in a long time. LOTS of them were at Jewish expense.
Occasionally, it peels back its own layers to directly deliver small but meaningful absurdism philosophy - a way of responding to the legitimate questions that existentialism raises.
Good movie. Probably won't want to watch it again for at least 10 years.