Lee Rudman

Lee Rudman Pro

Favorite films

  • Casablanca
  • Psycho
  • The Apartment
  • The Gold Rush

Recent activity

  • Nothing Sacred

  • Act of Violence


  • Footlight Parade


  • Beggars of Life


Recent reviews

  • Act of Violence

    Act of Violence


    Enjoyed this quite a bit. Janet Leigh is great as a young wife who is just learning about a part of her husband's war past that she had promised to never ask about. Ryan plays the stalker who seems to be consistently closing in and adding a claustrophobic tension to the film, and it's nice to see Mary Astor show up in a smaller role. It doesn't quite land the ending but I'm also not sure what a suitable ending would be.

    Watched this at the Babylon cinema in Berlin as part of their film noir season.

  • Berlin: Symphony of a Great City

    Berlin: Symphony of a Great City


    Quite an interesting film, as it cuts beautifully between the various different angles and scenes showing what life is like in a very busy Berlin. It probably does try to show the highlights of the city, in terms of showing the movements towards a more modern industry and people happily playing, which is difficult to blame the film for too much.

    Watched on a train for my first visit to Berlin.

Popular reviews

  • Up in Mabel's Room

    Up in Mabel's Room


    This is a delight. Mabel has recently divorced her husband over a misunderstanding, which she didn't find out the truth about until after the divorce. Here we see her trying to resume the marriage months later while her ex husband is trying to resume his life. Fate then brings them together for a party and the running joke of him trying to pretend he's always been single and her trying to help him let slip the truth.

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  • Ring



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