All through the first half i was smiling. Then history.
"If i were a rich man... YUBBY DIBBY DIBBY DIBBY DIBBY DIBBY DIBBY DUM, all day long id biddy biddy bum, if i were a wealthy mannn". Top tier soundtrack.
Alternate universe jewish Borat.
All through the first half i was smiling. Then history.
"If i were a rich man... YUBBY DIBBY DIBBY DIBBY DIBBY DIBBY DIBBY DUM, all day long id biddy biddy bum, if i were a wealthy mannn". Top tier soundtrack.
Alternate universe jewish Borat.
"And what are you going to do now, drown me in 16 inches of water?"
".... Yes Certainly" 🤸🤸🤺🤺🤼🤼🤼🏊🏊🌊🌊⛲⛲⛲⛲⛲⛲⛲⛲⛲⛲⛲⛲
What a strange film ☠️