

I’m really looking forward to rating the next film I’ll watch.

Joined Letterboxd on may of 2023.

Favorite films

  • Se7en
  • La La Land
  • Rear Window
  • The Departed

Recent activity

  • Win or Lose


  • Slender Man

  • Unforgiven


  • Mickey 17


Recent reviews

  • Win or Lose

    Win or Lose


    One chapter for each main character, each showing their struggles and inner problems, and in the last episode they all come together to make a really good conclusion.

    Pixar should do more series like these.

  • Unforgiven



    The last half hour was the most interesting part. Apart from that it felt really repetitive and just plain.

Popular reviews

  • Parasite



    Wow… I’m watching this just now, and with the insane amount of amazing films that came out in 2019, I’m glad this won best picture in 2020.

    There’s so much symbolism in this that really puts into perspective how much difference there is between social classes and the contempt with which the “upper class” might treat people with fewer resources.

    Not only that, but in general, Parasite (2019) points out how the ambition of human beings will often blind them to what really matters, turning them to this mindset of putting themselves above everything and everyone else.

  • Nosferatu



    this shows, that for a film to be scary, you don't need to portray massive events and exagerare on the violence. having a character as imposing as Nosferatu, using good methods (the shadows, for example) and a good soundtrack can do the trick.
