

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • The Interview
  • Good Bye, Lenin!
  • Isle of Dogs

Recent activity

  • (500) Days of Summer


  • Possibly in Michigan


  • Jaws


  • Re-Animator


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Popular reviews

  • Don't Look Up

    Don't Look Up


    No idea why people are hating on this movie, lowk totally missing the fact that this is probably what’s gonna happen (not literally but if we keep on ignoring shit that’s going on sort of) and if we’re not all gonna all die because of climate change and shit it’ll probably be because of an international conflict considering the fascists we got leading countries currently. Maybe this movie could’ve been better but I believe that the message does come across…

  • The Boy With Pink Pants

    The Boy With Pink Pants


    Boh raga costretta a guardarlo a scuola mi dispiace per il vero Andrea perché si starà rivoltando nella tomba. Fatto abbastanza male, sarebbe meglio se ogni personaggio non fosse un totale rimasto ma non si può avere tutto dalla vita. Acting di merda non capisco come ci pianga la gente. Mid.
