Based in Toronto, Canada, levelFILM is the entertainment distribution company behind feature films such as The Peanut Butter Falcon, Les Misérables, The Assistant, The Kid Detective, Madeline's Madeline,…
Who's Yer Father? | Filmmaker Inspirations
levelFILMOGRAPHY 358 films
The Madones | Filmmaker Inspirations 6 films
The Madones is a tender and wryly funny piece of Canadiana from award-winning Trailer Park Boys writer/producer Barrie Dunn.
Who's Yer Father? | Filmmaker Inspirations 6 films
WHO'S YER FATHER? writer/director Jeremy Larter's uproarious new Canadian comedy puts the P.I. in P.E.I! Wait...
Larter broke down 6…
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Check out 5 wilderness-set thrillers…
When Time Got Louder | Filmmaker Inspirations 5 films
When Time Got Louder director Connie Cocchia's debut feature is an honest, moving, and intimate piece of semi-autobiographical filmmaking. These…
Midnight at the Paradise | Filmmaker Inspirations 6 films
Vanessa Matsui's Midnight at the Paradise is a distinctly Canadian take on the achingly heartfelt character-driven romances of yesteryear, and…
WHO'S YER FATHER? writer/director Jeremy Larter's uproarious new Canadian comedy puts the P.I. in P.E.I! Wait...
Larter broke down 6 of the delightfully odd, high-energy comedies that inspired his latest film, now playing in select Canadian theatres!
"My aim with Who’s Yer Father? was to make a throwback screwball comedy with elements of a 1940s film noir - a capital “C” comedy that creates a fun, unique world that blends different genres together and plays by its own rules. I always felt the unique culture and summer landscape of rural Prince Edward Island (where I grew up) would make a great backdrop for a private investigator story. I hope the audience has fun with the twisty blackmail plot, but the heart and soul of the movie is the love story between bumbling private eye Larry Constable and scrappy convenience store owner Rhonda Perry. All of the movies on this list have influenced Who’s Yer Father? in ways both big and small.
Not only one of the best comedies made in the past thirty years, but one of the best (and most rewatchable) movies made in that stretch IMO. A hilarious, fun and original take on a convoluted Raymond Chanderesque detective story; underneath all that is a heartfelt movie about the ups and downs of friendship.
An underrated Paul Thomas Anderson flick with an oddball romance and a terrific Adam Sandler performance at the core. Simple and sweet without being sugary. The music, production & costume design create a unique vision of a lonely man finding connection in the strange backdrop of industrial Los Angeles.
An intricate caper with a 70s throwback feel and a middle-aged love story holding it all together. Great script by director Quentin Tarantino adapted from an Elmore Leonard novel. Features a terrific ensemble cast and arguably Sam Jackson’s best performance ever as Ordell Robbie.The chemistry and teamwork between Pam Grier and Robert Forester is endlessly charming.
Another Coen Brothers pick. The most ‘Looney Tunes’ comedy ever made in the absolute best way possible. Incredible camera work, colourful production design and unforgettable performances. Nic Cage and Holly Hunter are a criminal couple you manage to root for even though they’ve kidnapped a baby. The Coen Brothers are sometimes accused of being cold, but this movie is full of heart from start to finish.
A stand out from writer/director Preston Sturges and one of the best romantic comedies of the 1930s & 40s. Full of great slapstick, satire and absurdity throughout. Barbara Stanwyck is dynamite as con artist Jean Harrington, and Henry Fonda is loveable as the rich and awkward Charles Pike. A beautiful balance of wild comedy and heartfelt sincerity.
DETOUR (1945)
A classic low budget film noir from the 1940s that was the main inspiration for the hitchhiker story thread in Who’s Yer Father? This straightforward, bizarre and atmospheric film has one of the best film noir villains in the character Vera, played unforgettably by Ann Savage. A strange and compelling film that overcomes budget limitations to stand the test of time."