My favorite part was when that girl in the pencil skirt danced on the top of the car
This movie was weird af but I’m happy for everyone who loves that
My favorite part was when that girl in the pencil skirt danced on the top of the car
This movie was weird af but I’m happy for everyone who loves that
😭🌟 Incredible performance by Timothy!! The best actor of our generation! Watching one of his new movies on Christmas has become a tradition.
While Bob Dylan’s life story may not be as drama-filled as biopics like Bohemian Rhapsody or Rocket man, I still found it soooo entertaining. The music alone was enough. And just to emphasize, Timmy was SO GOOD!!!
I felt like I was waiting for a twist that would bring everything full circle for me, but it never came.
I thought the portrayal of 19-year-old missionaries was pretty accurate, except for when Sister Paxton said “sexing” instead of “having sex.” I don’t think anyone over the age of 14 (especially in the same timeline as Lana Del Rey) would say that, LDS or not. Maybe that was intentional, playing into her seeming naive, which contrasted with how smart…