trying to watch a bunch of Italian🇮🇹 films this year
did Fontaine need Jost to escape? not in a physical sense, but in a mental, emotional one. was escaping for himself not enough? did he need another human to escape for? one with a mother and father and sisters and brothers. funny how we know more about what awaits Jost on the outside than we do Fontaine.
Disclaimer: I was manipulated into seeing this by my family
In short, drugs are bad; Jesus is good. Just another in a long line of Christian movies that further the illusion of Christian persecution where there is none.
Update: just learned that the most essential character to this Jesus movement was a closeted gay man and when he came out he was removed from the church and this movie covered all of that up. Queer erasure trash. Hate it even more now.
As a product of the United States educational system, I was kept from experiencing gems of history like the World Festival of Socialist Youth to the point where uncovering a film like this offers a certain kind of transcendence over what is for a what could be. The home video footage ranges from exalted seas of human bodies to abstract light displays resulting in an eloquent exploration of the complex realizations of unity, hope and utopia. Patience is a virtue for any audience member, but alas, a padded runtime is a padded runtime. I wish this were meatier.