The perfect movie star vehicle, everyone is so cool, so hot, so charismatic
The plot makes as much sense as 11
The perfect movie star vehicle, everyone is so cool, so hot, so charismatic
The plot makes as much sense as 11
By far, the best film of the 2020s so far
If you think this film is too long give me a scene to cut, even a scene to trim
Never seen something so self aware
Genuinely can’t rate this with numbers, just a massive paradox of a movie. Whatever you choose to rate it is the correct answer
Looks absolutely stunning and then like spy kids like 3 minutes later.
Essentially incomprehensible plot wise but at the end you understand the message, because they told you the whole time, but then like what does it mean again ?
Every actor is absolutely spot on and has great moments and then is awful in like the…
We’re so back
David Jonsson gives one of the best performances of the year. I love when a true movie psycho makes an instalment of a franchise or series he loves.
If you’re a true true horror fan your mileage may vary on some of the set ups and stuff but there’s some real fucked up shit in this film and it’s so cool.