I saw this in theaters when it came out which is super funny because I was like 13 and this shaped my entire worldview.
genuinely can trace a lot of me back to this film
I saw this in theaters when it came out which is super funny because I was like 13 and this shaped my entire worldview.
genuinely can trace a lot of me back to this film
just an amazing commentary on climate change/humans sacrilege of nature as well as an perfect animated film
it is also consistently the longest 2 hours of my life every time I watch it
like seriously how the hell is this 2 hours it feels so fucking long lol
amazing. amazing. amazing.
Deniro giving an all-time jaw dropping performance of a terrible person that you strangely feel bad for.
Jake LaMotta is the ultimate scumbag, but it’s kinda interesting what modern viewpoints do to this picture cause like this guy CLEARLY had CTE. Like I know that wasn’t even a thing on their radar back when this was made, but this is a very very clear depiction of CTE.
we will inevitably have a modern version of this movie about a NFL player in the next decade. My money is on Antonio Brown.
holy hell.
perfectly made and insanely distressing. First time I can confidently say that while I loved this film, I can never watch it again.
don’t do drugs in Coney Island
this was cute, but to be honest kinda overhyped for what it was. This is the type of thing you surprise drop on the anniversary, not something you build hype for a month in advance.
It’s cool to see into this world again though.
like seeing an old friend. especially John Crops