gustavo liebert

gustavo liebert

Favorite films

  • Chungking Express
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Before Sunset
  • Oslo, August 31st

Recent activity

  • The Lobster

  • For a Few Dollars More

  • Tarantino's Mind

  • The Thing

Recent reviews

  • Madagascar



    primeiro filme que assisti no cinema, devia ter por volta dos 5-6 anos, e mesmo em tenra idade lembro de ter gostado demais.
    Dito isso, ABSOLUTE CINEMA

  • Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

    Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

    essa foi uma das coisas mais tristes que vi em toda minha vida

Popular reviews

  • 2046



    Love is all metter of timing.
    it's no good to meeting the right person too soon or too late.

    If i'd lived in another time or place our story might have a had different ending.

    Chow, Bai Ling, Wang Jing - Wen, Me and you.

    because as we've seen throughout the seven Wong Kar Wai movies
    we've seen love is confusing, heartbreaking, but most importantly: beaultiful.

    and that is the meaning of 2046, For Chow it was his time with Li-Zhen, for Bai Ling
    it was her time with Chow, and for Wang - Jin Wen it was her time with Tak.

    So, what's your 2046?

  • Breathless



    Queria ser como o Michel, amado e traído por uma bela mulher.

    A propósito a experiência de reassistir no cinema após foi do caralho